Lincoln Log Cabin State Historic Site in Charleston, Illinois

Create a connection to Lincoln's life

Lincoln Log Cabin State Historic Site

About Lincoln Log Cabin State Historic Site

Today, Lincoln Log Cabin is an 86-acre historic site that is owned and operated by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, Division of Historic Sites. The site includes an accurate reproduction of the Lincolns' two-room cabin that was constructed on the original cabin site in 1935 as a CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) project. A working living history farm has been developed around the cabin, and a second farmstead, the Stephen Sargent Farm, has been moved to the site to help broaden visitors' understanding of 1840s rural life in Illinois. One mile north is the Moore Home State Historic Site, a reconstructed frame home where Abraham Lincoln bid his stepmother farewell in January of 1861 before leaving to assume the Presidency.

Contact Information

South 4th Street
Charleston, Illinois

Hours of Operation: 10-4 daily

Where is Lincoln Log Cabin State Historic Site

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